Page name: Hilly's Hookers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-01 15:22:09
Last author: Rune Takashi
Owner: sexynerd
# of watchers: 23
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7/6/05-[NEW WEB LINKS!!!]still under construction, but check them out anyway!


2/14/05- iT'S OFFICIAL!!! the winning theme for the manwhore contest is: UNDERWARE!!! so start unzipping and taking pictures, boys!
1/8/05 - PLEASE TAKE Mary's Man Whores poll:36478 to decide what the manwhores will be wearing! Thank you!

11/15/04 i'm starting to make personalized rooms on the fuck page...any hookers who want a room contact [Yanaba] and she'll add yours.

11/15/04 ATTENTION!! mary's man whores is thinking about having a picture contest between the man whores, but we are in need of ideas for what the men will be (or won't be lol) wearing! If you have any ideas for this contest pls contact [Yanaba] and she will add it to her list.

11/9/04 The Pink Flamingo is in need of some award banners for various sexual acts so memebers can proudly proclaime which flamingo or gnome they have earned. Please inform [Aleka] of any banners you create so she can ensure that they are not too preverse. Thanks!

10/15/04 the fuck page is now new and improved! USE IT!!!! and in the MAIN ROOM PLEASE USE THE COMMENTS AREA to cyber! Have fun!

10/10/04 I made a cyber page for all those who feel the need to do that on here. It's more private for you guys. For now, it's called the fuck page. Tell me if you can think of anything better and if i made it right, cuz i'm not sure i did....


8/26/04 the page has been changed now YOU GUYS NEED TO ADD STORIES TO THE PINK FLAMINGO PAGE and yeah keep giving me ideas!

8/5/04 hehehe so yeah Hilly's Hookers has been added to the Adult's only list on The wiki´s wiki page I'm proud of our little joke of a page!

Okay so heres the umm shpeil okay so i can't spell that umm heres is the way this works: Hilly's Hookers is mainly about sharing interesting sex related stories jokes ect. in general just being indecent! so feel free to just jump right into a conversation!

The Pink Flamingo

Thoughts of a Hooker

The World If I Ran It

Operation: Brad Pitt

Hilly's Hookers administaration and employees

she-pimp : [Animal*Girl]
#1: [Aleka]                  
#2: [Yanaba]                 
#3: [Hermes322]      
#4: [IwAsBuTaMnOmOrE]            
#5: [Kat13]
#6: [Sweet 6 6 6--H.I.M.]
#7: [FaeryPrincess]
#8: [Scarlet Lioness]
#9: [Corp USA Bad]
#10: [Lilly_Cortez]
#11: [Wolf Of Love and lust]
#13:[Little Red]
#15: [hottcandy41]
#16: [pretty in blood]
#17: [~*ChRiS GiRl*~]
#18: [jo has gone]
#19: [SingleSexah]

#1: [Sufanhero]
#2: [Battle of One]
#3: [Balthizar]
#4: [horneyguy]
#5: [tomfucker]
#6: [Wrath of the phoenix]
#7: [Legacy Rite]
#8: [white_devil]
#9: [Cherub]
#10 [Rune Takashi]
Do you wanna become Hooker? contact [Aleka] or you know just add youself to the list ...

Do you want to be a Man whore?
Visit Mary's Man Whores





Username (or number or email):


2005-04-27 [Aleka]: i know one of the schools i might be going to gives basically full rides for people who apply saying their major will be nursing....

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: they'd have to....cuz of tuition and all

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: That kicks ass..I dont know of any collegs around here that offer that

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: ...and books and housing and food and all that other crap

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: IM living off campass....Cant have alcohol on campass...And it allows me to work night shifts with out worrying about dorm curfues

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: alchohol on campus?? do they actually enforce that?? omg! i've never heard of such a thing

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: wow.....i blame CU

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: lol... ahh.. were so going to go party up there sometime berni... its only a 30 minuted drive away... and i hear the riots can be entertaining

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: IM not sure that they enforce it ...BUt im not one to take chances...Its a lot less hassle and i wont have to share muh room with some stranger who might be a pshyco

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: Riots*quirked brow*

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: DRINKING AND RIOTS.....SO MUCH FUN!!

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: lol.... omg the last one they had when was it... after that football game i think it was... we watched a video of it in my econ class... one of the kids had his video camera and caught the whole thing on tape... though he was obviously drunk cause he couldn't hold the camera steady... i felt bad when they turned over the car though... someones poor car

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: ...Drinking much more fun

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]:'re parking far far away from the

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: .... i'm sure it is... but being as i'm not one to just fuck someone randomly... i'll take riots instead

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: lol

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: WHo said randomly.....I always drink with a group of close friends...Or im the designated driver...

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: sex might be fun...i'll let you know once i've experienced the future

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: .... yeah... riots don't happen with just close groups of friends

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: BEsides if i get really drunk its....well its intresting....

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: they might.....??

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: Riots and close friends means wrapping some bodies house

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: ooh

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ...what riots happen with only close friends... but it'd be a small riot... i'm an emotional drunnk .... happy but then if anyone does anything mean i sttart to ball and then i get really pissed and started cussing and yeah... i hear its kinda amusing... i don't really remember though

2005-04-27 [Yanaba]: lol

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: i get really horny ng get get rid of my boner...Which is oh so embarassing when your friends mom notices

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: lol....hmmm .... lol... i'm glad i'll never be in that situation

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: And then makes the are you glad to see me joke....Imreally east to emabaress when im drunk

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: lol... ahh... your a horny and easily embarrassed drunk... how ever do you manage to survive your drunken escapades then? 8P

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: By only drinking with good friends.....Or hoping that someone wont decide to take advantage of me....OR by bringing extra clothes

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: lol.... do what you got to do i guess.... hope seems to play alot into your survival skills....

2005-04-27 [Legacy Rite]: OT the biggst least when im drunk...Last time i was drunk sombody told me i was Tarzan and i spent the night swinging from one roe swing to another until i fell on my ass...

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ... that would have been amusing... which is why i usually watch people get drunk and avoid having my own drunken escapades

2005-04-27 [tomfucker]: I love to be drunk because I will say what is on my mind

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: ... i'll just end up cussing everyone out and hiding under blankets...

2005-04-27 [tomfucker]: not me plus I will do some crazy shit

2005-04-27 [Aleka]: yeah... so do i... jumping off roofs aren't exactly the brightest thing i do while drunk... being on a roof isn't bright either... i just really like those when i'm drunk for some odd reason

2005-04-27 [Hermes322]: Templar of the Monastary of Light read my comments....did I do the right thing?

2005-04-28 [Pedito]: I've never gotten drunk

2005-04-28 [Aleka]: ... what comments samee babe? do you really want me to go and search their comment section doda for your comments... cause i'm lazy, and that just doesn't sound appealing right now.... never been drunk? well, i hope you experience it someday, but make sure its with people you trust the first time around, god only knows what you'll end up doing

2005-04-28 [Shadow Reaper]: i think perhaps the owner deleted them...*smiles slightly* it inspired me to make a new diary entry...

2005-04-28 [Aleka]: oh!! i missed it!! thats horrible! ... did you write about them in your diary... should i go discover what their about there?

2005-04-28 [Pedito]: blah, who wants to cyber? someone talk to me on AIM later. I'm bored

2005-04-28 [Aleka]: lol... no not today i have to leave in like 20 minutes and i find i need to reserve an hour per cyber....

2005-04-28 [Pedito]: lol, sure, maybe tomorrow then. I have to go to a doctors appointment.

2005-04-28 [Aleka]: its my b-day tomorrow... i better be doing something other than sitting on my computer then...

2005-04-28 [Shadow Reaper]: *laughs slightly* i didn't see them just inspired me to make an entry about it

2005-04-28 [Aleka]: oh... well then you won't be helping me discover if samee did the right thing... damn... and here i was hoping i would be able to

2005-04-28 [Shadow Reaper]: *shrugs slightly* you'd have to ask her what it was she said

2005-04-28 [Aleka]: ...hopefully i remember the next time she comes on

2005-04-28 [Shadow Reaper]: ^^ i'll remind you if you don't

2005-04-29 [Hermes322]: Hey girls, who free? I got this guy, he's a newbee, really hot and really nice and kinky.

2005-04-29 [Hermes322]: I can't take him so one of you has too.

2005-04-29 [tomfucker]: well any ladies want to get with me

2005-04-29 [Hermes322]: Sure, my other customer isn't on right now

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: whats up

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: hey samee whats up

2005-04-29 [Hermes322]: You apparently but i don't think any of the other hookers are on right now, Top Dog if you want my room is 1 A

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: any ladies in here with a cam want to give me a show

2005-04-29 [Hermes322]: Other then me, he means

2005-04-29 [tomfucker]: ok see you there

2005-04-29 [Hermes322]: okay

2005-04-29 [Pedito]: wow, I feel loved. well happy birthday aleka

2005-04-29 [ilovesex06]: i am a hooker

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: hmm well no hookers offered to give me a cam show so i guess that makes me a loser

2005-04-29 [Balthizar]: dude,you actually asked?

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: hmm maybe ill get lucky soon

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: sure why not?

2005-04-29 [Balthizar]: just...dont know,just doenst seem like somthing wise to do

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: well i will just chill here till the girls come on

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: whats not wise about it?

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: i am new to the site so i dont know exactly how it goes here, samee gave me the site

2005-04-29 [Balthizar]: samee did?hhhmmm,awsome anyways,yeah,just...i dont know,i ahve alot of respect for females and cant see myself asking for a cam show

2005-04-29 [joey0585]: oh srry i didnt think of it that way. sorry ladies

2005-04-30 [Balthizar]: i think samee has told me about you

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: please forgive me ladies

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: really what did she say

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: hope she said good things

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: i am actually talking to her on IM right now

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: oh i see you thought i was jeff lol

2005-04-30 [Balthizar]: sorry...wrong person,><

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: hmm i guess no girls are on now so ill be back later

2005-04-30 [ilovesex06]: i would love to be a hooker

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: You have to be a Man Whore but that would be great!

2005-04-30 [ilovesex06]: ok then i will be a man whore ok

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: yay

2005-04-30 [ilovesex06]: cool so i am a man whore now kick ass man

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: [angelheart] is only 12!

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: how did she get on here then

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: thought you had to be at least 14

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: You do, that's why I'm saying. 12 year olds have no buisness being hookers. \

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: You do, that's why I'm saying. 12 year olds have no buisness being hookers.

2005-04-30 [Fatman]: so  whats happenin

2005-04-30 [Fatman]: any hot girls in here

2005-04-30 [joey0585]: hmmm

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: MATT?!?!?!?! You know Bryan, don't you???

2005-04-30 [ilovesex06]: how did she get on here if she is only 12

2005-04-30 [Aleka]: thats a good question... i usually checked ages before i let people on... maybe she changed it? or maybe she added her name and i didn't notice but i will take care of it.. thankyou for bringing that to my attention

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: Np..

2005-04-30 [ilovesex06]: your welcome

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: Joey, what do you mean your welcome? I'm the one who pointed it out...

2005-04-30 [ilovesex06]: i dont know i just yeah ok then

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: JOEY!! Are you back home?

2005-04-30 [Aleka]: lol.... you people are funny

2005-04-30 [Shadow Reaper]: --;; more like very confusing

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: lol

2005-04-30 [Shadow Reaper]: *tilts head slightly* you free samee?

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: idk........I don't think so

2005-04-30 [Shadow Reaper]: *pouts* grr.....--;; i'm like a wolf in heat right now...

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: *backs of slowly* I...didn't need to know that. And what is everyone's fucking obsession with wolves?

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: Yeah, thier beautiful but pretending your really a wolf and telling your friends to make yourself look cool is FUCKING STUPID!

2005-04-30 [Shadow Reaper]: oO lol i'm not trying to pretend i'm one. that's just the best comparison i could come up with....Oo would you rather have me say like a bull or a goat or a tomcat?

2005-04-30 [Hermes322]: None. Just say your horny. That simple. But so many people are obsessed with wolves and that stupid fucking show Wolve's Rain. Nothing ever happens on that show. It's fucking boring as shit and it's not even well drawn!

2005-04-30 [Shadow Reaper]: *smirks* actually, i've only seen it once, and my obsession is with demons and angels

2005-05-01 [Aleka]: .....wolves are cute... and i never saw that show... and i prefer elves... they're hot

2005-05-01 [joey0585]: dang whats with all the hostility here, sammy chill out on the wolves lol

2005-05-01 [Hermes322]: LOL

2005-05-02 [Shadow Reaper]: oO and um...why's everything on your house deleted?

2005-05-02 [Hermes322]: my new account ise THe lady Same

2005-05-02 [Shadow Reaper]: the lady samee?

2005-05-02 [Hermes322]: yeas

2005-05-02 [Shadow Reaper]: *smiles slightly* so why the change of house?

2005-05-03 [joey0585]: because she is anti-social and likes to.......touch........things.......righhhhhhhhhhhhht...........umm.........yeah..........what!?!

2005-05-03 [joey0585]: j/k

2005-05-03 [Shadow Reaper]: oO

2005-05-03 [Fatman]: hello

2005-05-03 [Aleka]: ...ummm... i'm confused now

2005-05-03 [Hermes322]: *jumps on Joey* BASTARD!! Because my parents saw my pic and were going to go on elftown and see EVERYTHING, my cybering, my letters, EVERYTHING. I had a friend go in and delete everything and create me a new account so that my parents would look at that house and see nothing wrong with it and let me stay on Elftown. EVERYONE MUST WORSHIP JOSH!!

2005-05-03 [ilovesex06]: ok i will worship him k

2005-05-03 [ilovesex06]: what pics did you have on there

2005-05-03 [Hermes322]: just pics of me.

2005-05-03 [ilovesex06]: what kind bad ones or what

2005-05-03 [ilovesex06]: are you there

2005-05-03 [Hermes322]: No, just of my face.

2005-05-03 [ilovesex06]: oh will am i going to be on here as a man whore

2005-05-04 [Aleka]: ... are you saying you wanna be a man whore? one of my man whores!! .... hint hint... can't have man whores who aren't mine running around

2005-05-04 [thispersonisgone]: Im up for fucking

2005-05-04 [Aleka]: why is everyone up for fucking when no one's around...

2005-05-04 [Shadow Reaper]: good question....

2005-05-04 [Aleka]: its freaking annoying... sad actually... whenever i have time to spare no one else does... i feel less like a hooker every day

2005-05-04 [Shadow Reaper]: *raises an eyebrow slightly* there should be at least one person who has time to spare at the same time you do

2005-05-04 [Aleka]: *snorts* yeah... they usually come on when i'm about to leave and doing something else... like now.. i'm off to go cram all the literary terms into my mind so that i won't fail my f*ing ap test tomorrow... they'll all appear in the next 5 to 10 minutes but i won't have time then

2005-05-04 [Shadow Reaper]: lol

2005-05-04 [ilovesex06]: yes i want to be your man whore plz

2005-05-04 [Aleka]: its true... i think they do that on purpose

2005-05-04 [ilovesex06]: can i be your man whore plz

2005-05-04 [Aleka]: yeah 8) please go add your name to my list of man whores at mary's man whores 8D

2005-05-10 [Yanaba]: ok....seeing as i've not been on here in like is everyone?

2005-05-10 [ilovesex06]: fine and you

2005-05-11 [Yanaba]: stressed....but its all good

2005-05-11 [ilovesex06]: cool

2005-05-12 [Aleka]: .... stressed? berni... i bought all the stuff except the varnish but we dont need that till we finish everything else and i got the slides... i'm gonna go in early tomorrow and try to get all the polaroids done... then we can just paint... oh i got yellow paints... yeah ummm... i guess i should call you... and i just typed all that... god i feel blonde

2005-05-12 [Balthizar]: *laughs*

2005-05-12 [ilovesex06]: hay can we have a bage for this page that would be cool

2005-05-12 [Searching For A Poem]: LLAMAH!

2005-05-13 [Aleka]: ...a badge? ... i think we have several... see all those pretty pictures with legs on it... those are badges... but i am more than willing to have more then those badges!

2005-05-13 [tomfucker]: any ladies want to cyber

2005-05-13 [Searching For A Poem]: ME!

2005-05-13 [tomfucker]: here is my privet room Defender Of Freedom's Room

2005-05-13 [ilovesex06]: yeah lets have more

2005-05-13 [Aleka]: four more days of school!! thank god i'm almost done!

2005-05-13 [Hermes322]: YOU SUK!

2005-05-14 [ilovesex06]: can we get some more badges on here plz

2005-05-14 [Aleka]: are more than welcome to make some... i can't draw and my photoshop is complete crap... so my badges usually suck.... but i'm sure yours will be better

2005-05-15 [ilovesex06]: ok i will makes some

2005-05-15 [Aleka]: excellent!

2005-05-15 [Hermes322]: Yes, we deesperatly need, homemade badges. PLEASE!

2005-05-16 [ilovesex06]: ok i will

2005-05-16 [Aleka]: ....what do you mean... homemade? those ones up above are pretty homemade...

2005-05-16 [Hermes322]: I thought I was editing at another wiki...I'm stupid. But also, they have to be other wise, the guards shall take them down

2005-05-17 [Yanaba]: the badges?? the guards are gonna take down our badges?? why?

2005-05-17 [Hermes322]: Did you take the pic or gets them off the net???

2005-05-17 [Aleka]:'d have to ask hillary.... but saddly she no longer talks to any of us or comes on et

2005-05-17 [Aleka]: i know that she combined numerous pictures together to form one badge

2005-05-17 [Searching For A Poem]: why? Does she not care about hilly's hookers anymore? We're her's after all!

2005-05-18 [Aleka]: ....she has moved on... truthfullly we believe that hilly is bipolar and needs medication... but then she doesn't listen to us any more ... nothing we can do

2005-05-19 [Pedito]: does anyone want me to try talking to her?

2005-05-19 [ilovesex06]: yes talk to her k

2005-05-20 [Animal*Girl]: if you can get a hold of her

2005-05-20 [ilovesex06]: k

2005-05-20 [Aleka]: she actually talked to me at school...

2005-05-20 [ilovesex06]: cool that is a start

2005-05-21 [Aleka]: lol... yeah... it was the last day of school... what really confuses me though is she talks to emily and she hated emily before she decided to ignore the rest of us

2005-05-22 [ilovesex06]: man that is wrong

2005-05-22 [Searching For A Poem]: Hey guys! What's up? miss me?

2005-05-22 [Aleka]: always!! where have you been!!??

2005-05-23 [Yanaba]: wow...she talked to you?? hehe....she's in my econ class and she never even acknoledged that i was there

2005-05-23 [ilovesex06]: she is so wrong

2005-05-24 [Aleka]: life... i think she's bi-polar.... she has all the symptoms but ehh... i'll remember are friendship fondly... expecially when we went to the top of lookout mountain... that was fun

2005-05-24 [ilovesex06]: yeah cool that does sound like fun wish we had one of thows

2005-05-24 [Aleka]: i love the mountains! their gorgeous!! and provide soo much entertainment, i'd be bored with out them

2005-05-24 [ilovesex06]: yeah that is cool

2005-05-24 [Animal*Girl]: yeah, its a good thing we have mountian here because there isn't much else to do

2005-05-24 [Hermes322]: LOL! We have the palisades mall

2005-05-25 [ilovesex06]: we have richland mall here that is were i go all the time man i live up there it is alright i guess yeah

2005-05-25 [Searching For A Poem]: Palisades is better

2005-05-25 [ilovesex06]: yeah i bet it is man

2005-05-25 [Searching For A Poem]: Three movie theaters, a while floor of eatery, at least five well known restersaunts, the cheesecake factory, lord and tailors, torrid, ambercrombie, rave, filene's, cvs, models, washington mutual, a Tomas Kinkade store and that's not even half

2005-05-25 [Balthizar]: Arundle mills baby! the biggest mall in maryland...even has MEDEVIL TIMES! woot...yeah^^

2005-05-25 [ilovesex06]: man that is alot of stuff to do man

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